Mix colors

Color Mixing Result

Mix result: #a772c2  

Choose colors for mixing

How it works

You can specify multiple colors in the form. For color names you can use HEX, RGB, HSL or X11 color name.

The system, using a special algorithm, finds mixes of these colors.

If you want to add one color more than another, you can specify the same color more than once.

Here are some examples of color mixing:

  • Purple - a mixture of blue and red
  • Orange - a mixture of red and yellow
  • Green - a mixture of yellow and blue
  • Brown - a mixture of orange and black
  • Purple - a mixture of red and blue
  • Pink - a mixture of red and white
  • Gray - a mixture of black and white
  • Beige - a mixture of brown and white
  • Marsala - a mixture of red and brown